Monday, August 11, 2008

My BB Girl Was Born On 1 Aug

My bb girl was born on 1 Aug 1.59pm and here is her birth story.

31 July - 1+am
* I went to the toilet and found there was some water on my panties but there was no pains nor "show" and so I went back to sleep.

31 Juy - 5.30am
* I saw the pinkish mucus plug and I wonder if THAT IS IT and wonder if I still need to go school that day. After all, my last working day was 1 Aug and my maternity leave only start on 4 Aug!

31 July - afternoon
* After sharing with some colleagues about my "show" and leaking water bag, they looked at me in astonishment and urged to check myself at the hospital.

31 July - 4.30pm
* I contacted Dr Heng and was told to check in that evening and get ready for labour. I was in a daze and yet excited at the same time. I took the hospital bag and picked up hubby in a taxi at his school. Heheh.... fancy having a woman in labour picking her hubby up with her hospital bag. He said his students chided him for "not steady enough". We had a nice pepper crab dinner near to East Shore Hospital.

31 July - 6.25pm
* We checked into the labour ward. Was told to change into patient robe and clear my bowels. Too fast, I thought. I didn't feel the pains then and was still in a playful mood. We decided to take pictures to amuse ourselves and it helped me ease my tensions.

1 Aug - 2.30am
* I was given the drip to induce labout since my bag has leaked for more than 12 hours and my dilation is still very slow. Was told to wait for 9a.m.

1 Aug - 9am
* After playing a few rounds of scrabble with hubby, Dr came in and checked and found my cervix only 2.5cm dilated. ALAMAK! I was already bedridden for more than 12 hours and the cervix was only 2.5cm dilated! Grr.... was given a second packet of drip and wait for 2pm.

1 Aug - 11+am
* I couldn't breath in the laughing gas anymore. I was not laughing anymore. I began to whimper and cried for stronger painkiller. Got a jab in my buttocks. That didn't help. Asked for epidural instead. My wasit down was numb. It was a nasty feeling!

1 Aug - 12+noon
* Nurse told me to breathe in pure oxygen cuz bb is showing distress. She looked worried but I tried to remain calm dispite my discomfort. Dr came in and said it was 8cm dilated and she would go for lunch while I try pushing her out.

1 Aug - 1pm
* In the midst of watching tv, Dr and the two nurses tried to help me with my labour in pushing my darling bb out. She refused to bulge! It was a sign of distress for bb. Poor thing! I tried to push when I was there was a contraction and while there was none, my attention was on the TV although I couldn't make out what was going on. Hubby was tensed.

1 Aug - 1.59pm
* With great great effort and the use of vacuum, bb was pulled out! She did not yell nor scream. She did made some small cries though. Hubby said he was dead worried about what happened to baby. I couldn't think as I began to vomit non-stop. My milo and other semi-digested breakfast was threw out. In between my vomits, there was also much movement "down there". I felt water and something slimy coming out from me. Hubby said he was very shocked to see how dirty I made the floor to be. I expelled blood, urine and placenta and it even nearly hit the Dr. I can't think then.

1 Aug - 2.15pm
* Bb was placed on my chest for a mere second before she was wheeled away for observation. Hubby was with me, holding my hands, kissing me and consoling me in every way he could. I closed my eyes and rested for almost an hour before I was conscious about my environment.